There are two key variables in our lives that we need to learn to control. If we fail to exercise control over them they will certainly be cracking the whip over our heads... Time and Money, so often linked together, the bond between them seems to be unbreakable. Break the bond between these two and it is like breaking your own bonds, and setting your self free. The Time Bank is finite, we understand that each day we have the same 24 hours. I saw an illustration once, that went something like this..
Imagine you have a bank account, each day you start with $86400.00 ( read dollars read pounds, euros, gold doubloons whatever currency you like) you can spend as little or as much of it on anything you like. 2 rules, no credit and no saving any of it for tomorrow.
It sounds like Brewsters Millions doesn't it? how would you spend it all... making sure you spent it all wisely, would be the challenge... well in truth we each of have a bank account like this, one day it will stop, abruptly, and there will be no more to spend. It is of course not money but our time.
The two key variables - time and money
If every second was measured as a dollar, wow, you can't save it for a rainy day, you cannot borrow more... you just have what you have. How wisely do you spend yours...
Ever spent time badly, wasted it on a silly purchase? Of course, we all have, it is natural, but when you put it in these terms we suddenly get a crystallised view of our most precious commodity... and sometimes we forget just how rare a commodity time is.
Two Key Variables - Time And Money
When you understand the value of time, we should really try to separate the link between it and money... how can you ever put a price, on something so precious, and yet we all do.
We exchange our time for money so glibly, almost carelessly, and we do it in such ways that seem unimportant, and yet the web of work we weave around us, seems so imperceptible at first, and so insignificant we fail to notice. Then suddenly the trap shuts, and we are locked in with more money owing than we can imagine, and time running out. Suddenly no matter how much time we trade we are trapped, we tried to have it all up front, and failed... in its smallest sense it is a bit like taking a loan to have a holiday... how demotivating is it to work your butt off when you have already had the holiday, and you are only working to get your self back up to Zero!
The Two Variables - But Are Time and Money Variable?
Let us get this straight once and for all... 98% of people who trade time for money either have an abundance of one or the other, rarely both, and in fact people that do achieve an abundance of both are so rare that they are looked upon with suspicion or even mistrust.
Let us remind ourselves time is the constant, we have a finite amount, what we have available to us, to use as we see fit. How we use it is actually down to us. We live by the rules we set ourselves. We make a choice to trade our time for money, and in so doing we surrender our freedom for a finite amount of money. We may have dreams of endless wealth, but few achieve it, and very few even believe it is attainable.
Time AND Money Freedom is rare because it takes bravery to step outside the norm, to stand up and risk failure to risk having nothing is a huge risk.
But let us look at the reality of true wealth... if by being "Off Grid" to such an extent that the amount of money you need is less than Mr Average, are you not better off than him who is constantly on the ferris wheel of home to work, work to home, home to work...
The constant demand on your wallet on the wheel of life is huge... break out, leverage your time... and suddenly you have more than 10 hours a day to earn money.
Explain Time Leverage? - Cut The Time And Money Link
Systems, you need to have systems in place that can duplicate what you do 10 times 100 times 1000 times a day with out you needing to be there...
How many emails can you answer a day 100? how many orders for product can you fulfill manually? 30? may be...
By Implementing automated systems you can duplicate your time, so that your business is working 24 hours a day 7 days a week...
I am reminded of the story I used to use about the founder of Tesco... a UK supermarket...
How true it is I know not... but we will call it "alltimart" for simplicity, So Mr Mart had been to America and seen these new self service stores... he decided he could do it in The UK... everyone told him it would never work,British people like &service. But Mr Mart knew he could only serve a limited amount of people a day if it depended upon him alone running backwards and forwards at the counter, grabbing the peoples choices.
Alltimart was successful, Mr Mart was pleased, but felt he could achieve more sales... The naysayers all told him "quit while you are ahead",... but Mr Mart carried on and opened a second store exactly the same, doubled his profit, he was now trading 16 hours a day in effect, so he opened two more and suddenly he had beaten the clock... he was now trading 32 hours in a single day... the rest as they say is history... add to the initial system the economies of scale for purchasing, the time duplication, and the enormity of the system and the leverage was huge... Mr Mart now has 4000+ stores all open 24 hrs... 96000 hrs trading in every 24 and that is just in the UK...
Now would Mr Mart mind if he lost a store or two... I doubt if he would notice... would the original small shop keeper? Of course... we go back to the principle of not keeping all our eggs in the one basket... but by separating our time from our ability to earn, we have suddenly allowed ourselves to escape from the work time, time and money conundrum.
Two Key Variables - Under Control
By Taking control of these two key variables, and not wasting them, and actually duplicating what we are able to do, with systems, we set our selves free.
This will not happen overnight. You will have to put some work in, but why should that scare you, we have been conditioned to work, we work to get money, the only difference here is that we have work that bit harder for a bit longer without reward, we have, in effect to prime the pump.
This is the stumbling block, most people fail because they are still in JOB mode. I have performed... Pay Me Now... what the people who quit fail to realise is that pay day in this world of self sufficient entrepreneurs is huge. It actually bears no resemblance to the effort you put it... because due to the systems you establish the pay days keep coming long after you have done the work... you separate Time & Money.
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